Can you open a Google doc from DEVONThink?

I have a folder I have imported that includes documents made from my Google drive. They are listed in the correct group but when the file is clicked it simply opens an uneditable link. I am wanting to know if there is a way to have it open a file with a specific program like in finder. Thank you for your help!


What’s the extension of these files?

The extension is a .gdoc file type. They are in a folder that is local to my laptop also.

That’s just a bookmark file, not a real document actually. See GDOC File - Google Docs Shortcut

That is very helpful…so is there a workaround or can I not use the two software together? Thank you for all of your help!


I’m not aware of such a possibility.

Google files are made to work in the Google suite of applications. The .gdoc shortcut just gives you access to the data on their servers. It’s not opening a file as you do in the Mac filesystem, so there’s nothing to open in another application.

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Thank you all for the help!

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No problem at all! :slight_smile:

@Smithnic1215 how did you decide to proceed with working with Google Docs and DT?

I transitioned all of my docs to RTF format and have been working in DEVONThink solely. I do have a few docs that I use with others I will have in google docs but I found no easy solution around the situation. Wish I was more help.


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You can enter your Google Doc URL as a bookmark

Then you can edit it within Devonthink

Or right-click and choose Launch URL to edit it externally

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