Can't sync with cloudkit on new Mac Mini M4

I’m using Devonthink Pro on 2 iMacs, one MacBook Air M2 and on iOS. Syncing 5 databases with Cloudkit without any issues for years.
Now I have replaced one iMac with a Mac Mini M4 and have a problem to sync my databases to it via Cloudkit.
After entering the sync password the icon is spinning for some 30 minutes before it shows the list of my remote databases (so at least the sync password is correct). But when I double-click on any of the databases to import them, I only get an error beep.

All other apps on the new computer sync without problems (and fast) through iCloud.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Welcome @jweiland58
Hold the Option key and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket.

All other apps on the new computer sync without problems (and fast) through iCloud.

PS: You can’t compare how other applications use iCloud. It is very likely the ones you are thinking of are not technologically doing the same thing.

Thank you, I will do that tomorrow.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: