Capability of Adding New Links into Webarchive Files

[size=120]I cannot find a way to add new links into webarchive files. If there’s a way, please let me know. If it’s not possible right now, please develop it.[/size]

[size=120]And if you could automatically adding Wiki style links into webarchive files, like you do in rich texts, that would be insanely great :slight_smile:[/size]

It is not possible to easily add links to webarchive files. It’s not a DEVONthink limitation; it’s just the way webarchives work. If you want to try adding a link yourself, click the “Text Alternative” button (see the icon surrounded by the red box in the image below) to see the raw HTML for that page. If you can figure out where in the HTML to put your link, then it will work. Otherwise, there’s no easy way to edit the webarchive.

Thank you korm.

I tried it as you suggested.

It’s a very disrupting workflow :frowning:

I’m not sure but I believe a webarchive is consisting a series of compressed files and can be decompressed and If I can manually change the document source, there should be a way to do it automatically.


GlimmerBlocker is superb, thanks again :wink: