Change default location for new notes in DTTG?

Hello, I’m starting to use DTTG to capture notes on the go more and more—the editor has gotten a lot better over the years, thanks! I’m often using 3D Touch on the DTTG widget to create a new note, and I’m wondering whether it might be possible to adjust the default location where they are created. (To be honest, I’ve never quite understood the function of the Global Inbox.) It would be nice to have notes show up directly in my synced database. As things stand, I have to remember to go back to the Global Inbox and move everything over, which is a bit annoying.

As it happens, I actually noticed over the weekend that some notes I created did appear in the last folder I had open in the app—this was great, except for the fact that these notes then did not sync at all, until I moved them to the Global Inbox and then back. I have no idea if this was a fluke, but I would appreciate any insight here!

No, it is not possible to create the new note in another database when using the 3d Touch function. This may be a feature in a future version of DEVONthink.