Change font size in imported CSV record files

Is there a way to change the font size in the imported .csv/.trv files, I cant’ change this based on the Preferences-Plain font settings? It’s very small by default…

Delimited files are imported as sheets. That can be controlled by Preferences > General > Appearance > View Text Size but note that affects the item list font size too.

Development would have to assess the feasibility of other controls.

OK, thx it would be good to detach this from the View Text size and also the Plain font size. If sheets had CSS like properties even better, but that that’s a bigger task.

If sheets had CSS like properties even better, but that that’s a bigger task.

Correct, especially since it’s not a web view :slight_smile:

… it could be remade to a html table with its css as part of the import… but that’s another story. Just being able to change the font size independently of the other views would be good.