Choose favourite format for a note

When I take a note I really want to jot down a note get out of there. The default behaviour of DTTG is to ask if you want rich text, plain text, markdown etc…Is there a way of specifying your favourite eg markdown. Then have a “done” button in the note so you can complete it at that point.

Also I know it is iOS 15 but any plans on supporting live text, which would be useful at the note creating point.

Generally as feedback I think maybe the input screen needs a bit of work (I say this as friendly feedback). When you open the app there is small blue text at the top of the screen. It could be possibly designed a bit better to improve usability.

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I use an iOS Shortcut to make a markdown note and then open that note in DevonThink. It’s this one
Quick Note
Type a title or skip it and then you’re in a note. That shortcut has some prepopulated stuff (TOC, code backticks) in it but you can customize it to your liking.

You can save this shortcut to your Home Screen or wherever it’s most handy.

A second vote for the IOS shortcut on the home dock
My choice for format is formatted note

Using a shortcut on iOS also allows you to add a tag or tags to every note made this way (e.g. New Quick Note, Another Freaking Genius Idea) so you can find all your quick scratchings later. Or choose to Label or Flag every note made this way.

New Quick Note, Another Freaking Genius Idea

Hey! That’s what all MY notes are named!! :open_mouth:


Date in ISO 8601 format at subject/title:

New Note

This shortcut can be used for journaling — at Create action, you can set group as Journal 2021 for instance.

I use Globe + \ already second day — show/hide Slide Over.

iPad OS 15 beta

Awesome multi-window interface, but buggy, and some shortcuts do not work :slight_smile:

How to open just created note in iA Writer, with the same shortcut?

Thank you I have used this shortcut. It is much better than creating a note in the app itself.

Can you add some details for us non-beta users

Sorry for my not clear post. I mean new iPad OS multiwindow function.

This is how to call Slide Over window. I just call it with Globe + \, push needed shortcut (to create new note for instance), and hide the window with Globe + \, if needed to hide.

Really very useful.

DEVONthink To Go Shortcuts actions + iPad OS 15 makes iPad real working machine.

You are welcome, apb123.