Chrome extension “Clip to DEVONthink” is not working anymore

I am using this extension all the time in my Chrome browser. But now I got a message that this extension is not supported anymore. Is there anything I can do?

Please provide more information:

  • What are you doing to get this message, and what exactly does the message say?
  • What version of macOS, DEVONthink and Chrome are you using?
  • What changed recently? Is this happening after an update to either of the above?

I don’t use Chrome. But I just installed it to test (Version 131.0.6778.205 (Official Build) (arm64)). It works fine here, on macOS 13.7.1 (Yes Bluefrog, I’m just about to install 13.7.2 later today) and DEVONthink 3.9.8.

Though the Chrome Web Store did show this notice:

:warning: This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn’t follow best practices for Chrome extensions. Learn more

The link leads to this section of the page “Install and manage extensions”:

Unsupported extensions

To better protect your privacy and security, Chrome and the Chrome Web Store require extensions to be up-to-date with new requirements. With this, Chrome may disable extensions that don’t meet these requirements.


Temporarily enable the extension

Important: You can only re-enable an extension for a limited period of time after it has been disabled. We recommend you find an alternative extension before it’s permanently disabled.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, select More > Extensions > Manage Extensions.
  3. At the bottom right, select the toggle of the unsupported extension you want to enable.

Since I don’t use Chrome, I don’t know how recent these “new requirements” for Chrome extensions are.

I would consider using a different browser than Chrome. Any particular reason for using it?


@treon OR you can do what I did and uninstall the Chrome extension and install the script “FILE CHROME TABS” located in your SCRIPTS section. It works perfectly and I can “clip to Devonthink” once again with NO issues.

The date of the scripts (which install bookmarks to Chrome) is Sept. 18 2024.

Best Wishes and welcome to Devonthink!


Hmm, yes, it seems we need to update our extension to new security measures. Thank you for the notice!


Glad it was helpful! :blush:

We have just submitted an update to the Chrome extension which is now awaiting Google’s review.