Cleaning up Devonthink after using Dropbox's Selective Sync

I recently used Dropbox’s Selective Sync feature to remove some large folders from my laptop (but keep them in Dropbox’s cloud). The names of the files/folders that were indexed to Devonthink are still showing up in the navigation sidebar and on searches (but obviously the files themselves are shown as “file missing.”) Any simple way I can clean out these old file names?

  1. Select the database.
  2. Select the unwanted items in the item list.
  3. Select Data > Move to Trash or press Command-Delete.
  4. Select DEVONthink 3 > Empty Trash.
  5. Choose Only In Database, if prompted.
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Thanks. The problem is there are LOTS of files. Any way to sort to find the ones that are now “files missing”?

You said you removed large folders which were indexed, so removing those per my instructions would remove missing file references in those groups as well.

Are you saying you also have many individually indexed documents that would be missing?

Actually a mix of large and small. It was a desperation move to make room on my laptop :).

No individually indexed items. I tend to keep everything in a folder/group.

If you want to just purge all missing file references, you can do a File > Rebuild Database on the specific database. However, don’t interrupt this process or let the machine power down while it’s working.

Okay, thank you.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: