Clear button for the ‘Document name’ text field

Hello, I love DEVONthink To Go (and the desktop version, too!), wonderful software. However, I would like to suggest adding a clear button to the ‘Document name’ text field of the ‘Info’ dialogue. I often find myself changing the names of files added to DEVONthink To Go, and it’s a little more tedious than it has to be. I first have to select the text that’s already there in the ‘Document name’ field and sometimes I miss the second tap or tap too slowly and I have to try again. It would be much easier for me if there was a ‘clear’ button on the side of the text field so I could tap it and have the field emptied.

Welcome @archetwist and thanks for the kind words.
The request is noted.

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No, there isn’t.
And why do you still have DEVONthink To Go 2?