Clip to DEVONThink with clutter-free enable seems broken now

Thanks for the bug report! Unfortunately this seems to be a problem of the WebKit in this case. Even after loading the web archive in DEVONthink and scrolling to the bottom of the page so that all contents have been loaded & displayed, e.g. printing or capturing as PDF does not include the code. Therefore the only workaround would be to print the page to DEVONthink.

Hello! I’m new to DT, so maybe this is an obvious question but I can’t seem to save Wikipedia articles in clutter-free mode that preserves the links? I tried web-archive, both pdf options, and formatted note to no avail. Is this normal or a bug?
Thanks for your help!

Welcome @stalagmi

It must be something in the underlying structure of the page that causes this.’

However, why are you capturing a clutter-free version of Wikipedia pages? The clutter-free option is ideally suited for clickbait and news/info sites with advertisements on them.