Clip to DT on a strange angle

I think DevonThink, Safari or both are drunk. Evidence:

This is problem appeared clipping to PDF from Safari using the DT extension. (Incidentally is this the smartest format to clip in?)

Source: Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research | PS: Political Science & Politics | Cambridge Core

Did you OCR it? Because that rotation is typical from OCR software “trying” to straighten images.

What I do to capture from Safari, is, if available, show Reading View and then printing and selecting “Save PDF to DEVONthink 3” instead of really printing. I have a not so bad PDF with text and images.

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I’m seeing no issue on clipping and @rfog’s question is a good one. Did you OCR this?

Also, in general, PDF is a good format to clip to.

Yes I did OCR this. I OCR everything after you taught me that many PDFs don’t have good text layers.

I OCR everything after you taught me that many PDFs don’t have good text layers.

Actually, many PDFs are fine and good. You have to consider the source. For example, if you print a PDF from a Word document of a business letter, there is no need to do OCR on that file as there’s already a text layer present. OCR should be used as needed.

For scans, and that includes so-called scans on iOS/iPadOS, these are just images of a page. There is no text layer. Therefore it needs OCR to generate a text layer. Similarly, some books you can download are merely images of the book’s pages. These would also need OCR done if you wanted to search the content of that file.

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