Close database for DTTG

I want to close my encrypted database after using it. So, every time I need to use it, I will need to enter the password. This is to ensure the files are protected from accidental viewing/searching. Just like DEVONthink desktop.

I understand we can set passcode/Touch ID for the app. But that is prompted every time we use the app. I only use/open the encrypted database rarely. The non encrypted databases do not need the passcode security.

I also understand that we can set focus to hide the database. But changing back the focus will open the encrypted database for viewing/searching. Not protected.

Thus, the ability to open the encrypted database with password and close it after use seems more secured flow to protect the data. Please consider this as a feature request.

As we have said many times: macOS ≠ iOS.
Your databases are not stored in the same fashion as on the Mac. The filesystems are not the same.

And I’m curious: how would someone accidentally view or search your database(s)?

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We fully understand this request but it’s a complicated UI question. Example. You return to an encrypted database. On the left you navigated to some other database but on the right-hand side a document from that encrypted database is visible. What should happen? Any open window of DEVONthink To Go could have any combination of data from protected and non-protected documents. It is doable, of course, but results in an inelegant UI state.

So, we opted for an app-wide passcode as a compromise that is secure enough but also comfortable enough for everyday use.