I’m a new DEVONthink user and am getting pretty impressed by the software coming from DT. I’m wondering, though, if there remain good reasons to invest in DEVONagent when standard search engines (and souped up browsers like Arc) are AI-enhanced now.
Can anyone persuade me to spend a little more of my kids’ inheritance?
That is, whether DevonAgent is useful depends on what you’re actually trying to do. The search functions, IMO, are only a gateway to what it can do with the results.
In addition to the cookie thing, remember that Google and Bing exist to feed you advertising. That is, their financial success is only tangentially connected to the accuracy of their results.
Very good point, @Ja_acov. And maybe there’s something to be said for a piece of software that has intelligent search as its primary purpose. I used to believe that about Google, but that was when it first appeared back in the 1900s.