Concatenate metadata to rename using AppleScript or smart rules

I hadn’t noticed the “Document Date” category before - the manual says:

So it doesn’t look like it does what you want to achieve (but @bluefrog will know).

I’m not sure if it is the same thing as you tried, but I’ve achieved something similar using the placeholders for “Year”, “Month” and “Day” in the Creation Date smart rule options, eg:

Yes, if you want a custom format, you should use the date components and order them as you wish.

Beg your pardon, I do not understand. What is date component ?

I’ve try this (the date need to be before the object but it is a test):

And the result is meaning document date refer to nothing :

Do you know how to populate document date?

in generic date we have add / created / modified :

IN personnalise I have “date_du_document” (as date format) and Sate_yyyymmdd (as text) bit no date du document :

Regardless of the concrete date (i.e. creation, modification, added): the date components are day, month, year. And as already shown in this thread, you can use them to produce your own naming convention.

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I’ve understand how to structure the dat format, no problem at all

But :slight_smile:
The “Document date” from placeholder refer to nothing (IMO).
Or as usual I have to explore during hour to find how to populate. But actually this can structure a date without data, so outrun text is 0000…

The document date is a value detected from a document, not from metadata.

Here is an example smart rule using a custom attribute as a Single-Line Text data type…

Not sure to understand, but seems interesting :

Do you mean this data can be populated using OCR or some kind of IA?

Interesting to (the way to check the match).
It confirms the only way to use date in yyyymmdd format is to use a single line text. Maybe something to improve in future development. Or maybe I’m the only person which want to rename using document 's date :slight_smile:

BTW I’ve learn we can keep the previous name. Great

It’s already planned, note the “yet”:

did not see the “yet”, but now you mention, it is obvious

it is hard to compile all information when you do not follow as a 2d2 business.