Please consider this new feature request …
I always use the “as List” view in DTP. With a large(ish) screen and a small(ish) font quite a lot of records are visible at anyone time. However, sometimes I want specific records to stand out from the others. e.g. if modification date > 90 days then set the cell background colour of the modification date to red. If custom data field value > 66% then set the customer data field background colour to blue. There is a similar feature in Excel (and no, I’m not comparing DTP with Excel).
I appreciate there are some colour tags, flags etc but I’m already using these for other purposes but also don’t offer the conditional flexibility I’m after unless I start scripting for these as well.
Thanks for at least considering the suggestion.
You could use smart rules to automatically add/remove flags/tags/labels.
While you may not be comparing DEVONthink directly with Excel, the interface isn’t built as a spreadsheet, so terms like cells and background color don’t apply. You need to work within the boundaries of the technology, so the available options are as @cgrunenberg noted: labels/tags/flag/ratings/custom metadata/etc.
I accept that today I need to work within the boundaries of the technology and yes I can implement a second rate solution using smart rules etc.
But this was raised as feature request, something that potentially could extend the functionality of the product and might appeal to many users. The feasibility of implementing it or the cost/benefit of doing so is obviously an internal discussion.
It was just a request/suggestion.
Indeed and the request is noted