Confused about Append feature in Services Menu

I’m new to DTP.

This is just baffling to me.

I’ve got three separate test notes, I guess you call them, in the left hand vertical pane (I’m using the vertical split view)

Test note 1
Test note 2
Test note 3

I select Test Note 2, then go to Entourage and select a portion of an email. then I go to Entourage Services Menu and choose Append Plain Text, expecting that the text will end up in the Test Note 2 content area. But no, the Text ends up in a new note instead.

What is going on? The documentation doesn’t really explain this very well or I’m just a block head.

Here’s what the online Help says about “append rich text note”:

Append Plain/Rich Note: Adds selected text from any Cocoa or modern Carbon application as plain or rich text TO THE LAST NOTE TAKEN USING THE DEVONTHINK PRO OFFICE SERVICES MENU ITEMS.

I changed the pertinent text to all caps.

In other words, you were likely getting text transferred into your database, but not to the document you expected would receive it. :slight_smile:

That Service will not append selected text to any arbitrarily chosen document. You could have used copy/paste to append new text to the document you had chosen.


Thank you for your quick response.

I’m still not getting it.

Maybe I should rephrase my question to "How do I use the Append Text services menu so that I can append selected text in an Entourage email to go right into the last opened Note instead of appearing as a new Note?

I guess what you are telling me is that I can’t choose an older note to edit then have text appended to that note using the services menu since the services append text will only attach the selected text as a new note under that last note created (by creation date). Is that what’s going on? I can only copy and paste into an older note, but not use the services menu to append to it?

Correct. That Service will only append selected new text to the last text note created in your database by a Service. There are situations in which this mode of operation can be very useful.

I don’t doubt that for a second. And of course, it would also be incredibly helpful to be able to append to any selected note as well.


although I always used the “Append” service the way DevonThink meant it to be used, I think it is logical and useful to extent this feature to appending to the active text/RTF document.


Hi, Maria. Great to hear from you!

I’m entering the suggestion of an automated procedure to append selected material to a selected text document.

Perhaps a new Service. Or a script or Automator workflow. I haven’t played with Automator in Leopard, but that might be easy to do.

I definitely agree. May I also suggest the ability to append some plain text to the current RTF doc? At the moment, I may be taking notes in an RTF & move to an application that displays in plain text. I want to append some selected text to my current RTF note/ stream of consciousness, but I can’t (from the service menu, at least).

Enjoying trying Pro Office & definitely going to buy. Should I wait for 2.0??

I, too, agree with Maria.

By the way, I’ve just recently found that one of my major frustrations with the Append service was unjustified.
After creating a new document from selected text using Take Rich Note, I might do some editing to focus on those things I needed. Adding more text from the original using Append Rich Note, I invariably found I lost all that work. It was only in the last week or so I realized that if I saved the document, I retained everything.
A smack your head moment.


Hi Bill,
great to see your answer(s), I am looking forward to DTPro 2008!
