Convert WikiLinks to item links

The menu item “Tools → Item Links → Convert WikiLinks to item links” works fine but is often unusable for me. E.g.: I have a note named “20230830171523 Topic 1” with an Alias “Topic 1”. This way I can easily link in other notes to “Topic 1” like this:

When I use the command “Convert WikiLinks to item links” the link is changed correctly but the name displayed also changes to the original name of the linked document like this:

This makes the note much harder to read so I would like to have an option like “Convert WikiLinks to item links but keep the original display of the WikiLink”.

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also changes to the original name of the linked document like this:

Your document name is 20230830171523 Topic 1 not Topic 1. So the behavior is correct here. Are you using an alias of Topic 1?

Showing the source, not just the rendered view, before and after the conversion would be helpful.

yes, I am using an alias. Name of the markdown document ist “20230830171523 Topic 1” and the alias is “Topic 1”.

Markdown text of the document linking to “Topic 1” before using “Convert WikiLinks to item links” is:

In this note Topic 1 is mentioned and linked to

Markdown text after using “Convert WikiLinks to item links”" is:

In this note [20230830171523 Topic 1](x-devonthink-item://E984D35A-07F1-47DE-AA09-0A7817426F49) is mentioned and linked to

And, yes, the behaviour is correct, but I would like to have a feature with a result like this:

In this note [Topic 1](x-devonthink-item://E984D35A-07F1-47DE-AA09-0A7817426F49) is mentioned and linked to 

That’s why I posted it as a feature request :wink:

Thanks for clarifying. Development would have to assess this. It’s the first request I can recall.

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The next release will retain the original name. The names can be updated afterwards via Tools > Item Links > Update Names of Item Links if desired.

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Great news. Thank you so much!