Thank you so much for responding.
Your follow-up questions make me think that I may be missing or misunderstanding an entire layer of functionality in Devonthink as it relates to email and perhaps project management, but let me start by trying to be sure I’m being clear.
You need to clarify and define your needs.
My overall goal is to save attachments I receive by email so I can find them again later, linking them to notes (in Obsidian) and calendar appointments (in Fantastical) in general for fast retrieval.
I receive many PDFs (drawings, letters, and reports) by email.
Currently, I right-click on those attachments in my mail client (MailMate) and press “Share”/“Add to DEVONthink.”
I then open Devonthink, go to the inbox, and “Copy Item Link.”
I then open Obsidian, where I’ll add the link to the project that it is for.
My hope with this question was to eliminate the need to open Devonthink for this specific workflow. To have a smart rule (or something else) copy the UUID to the clipboard upon import so that I can go directly from sharing to DT in the mail client to pasting the UUID in Obsidian.
- I would not set Kind is Any Document if you are intending to process emails. Set it to Email.
- You need to set some other criteria or the smart rule could easily match the same emails over and over again. For example, tagging or moving the item could mitigate this possibility.
While I have tinkered with at least setting up DT import for email, I don’ actively use it for email, and now I’m wondering if there is a better answer to my question in learning more about this.
For now, I changed Kind to PDF/PS, which I generally receive. Word docs would probably be the next most popular. Would that be a Formatted Note maybe?
- Are you only importing one email at a time?
- If not, then using the clipboard wouldn’t be a feasible option.
- Also, are you wanting to do this with every email?
- If not, then what criteria determines when an automation should occur?
Not needed for every email, just for attachments that I need to maintain a record in Obsidian.
c) Paste the link in Obsidian along with relevant notes.
- Is it necessary to put it into Obsidian?
Your question is causing me to reflect on how I am currently organized to see if adjustments may help.
I use Obsidian for project management; all project information, meeting minutes, call notes, and daily notes are there. I regularly link to DT from many notes in Obsidian.
Always open to suggestions.
- What is the form and content of such a note in Obsidian?
Drawings may provide the best example. I manage the preparation of drawings with large teams. I save drawing milestones to DEVONThink. I have a TOC/Map-of-Content for each project in Obsidian for each project, from there, I link out to DT. Drawing sets can at times, get into the hundred + page-count range. I often link notes or meeting prep notes to specific drawings in a set or even specific details on drawings, again using Obsidian linked to DT.
I am happy to explain further, but I don’t want to overstep my request for help.
Please let me know if more information is helpful.
…and again, I’m open to alternate methods of managing the workflow that I described.
Just trying to reduce friction.
Thanks again!