Crashes, the verify & repair seems not to work

DT is hanging up several times a day. I have to force quit.

I tried verify & repair but no feedback. Is it even running?

Should I be doing something else?

I use DT entirely for writing and storing scanned documents.

Such a post will not really help you. I would suggest to send the log files to the great DTP support in such cases.

You’ll probably be invited by the @bluefrog to submit a support request.


: any recent changes on your computer?
: what version of macOS?
: what version of DEVONthink?
: using any sync services?
: does the DEVONthink Log report anything?
: does the system log show anything?
: perhaps some sort of hardware error that has crept in?

I don’t have log files cause V&R does not seem to be operating

This is above my pay grade. I’m a writer. I did just switch to Bonjour to sync to DTTG.

Where is the DT log? I can’t find the system log either.

I so appreciate your response.

The verification is performed in the background, in case of issues an alert is shown. Otherwise the result is logged to the Windows > Log panel.