Crazy suggestion: accept links in search boxes

how do you call in DevonThink lingo the search interface that appears when you click go to, move to, copy to etc. I would like to use the correct term. thank you

From page 110 of the the user guide (also available through the in-app Help):

Move to: This popover allows you to organize selected files quickly. Open this popover via Data > Move To or pressing ⌃⌘M.

Go to Document: This popover allows you to quickly navigate to a specific file. Open this popover via Go > To Document or ⌃⌘O.



thank you. Are you familiar with apple scripting for DevonThink ? Are you comfortable reading/editing scripts ?

I would by no means offer myself as an AppleScript expert. There are others here very much more competent than I am.


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I hope none of this discussion dissuades you from making future suggestions. It’s a definite No if you don’t ask :slight_smile:

What’s your question regarding scripts?

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Well, you didn’t reply to my initial question which perhaps irritated you. If it’s the case, all OK.

I am working on a alternative way to move items in DevonThink using typinator in addition to DevonThink

My script question concerns the script in the link below.

The script generates a huge list which is a dizzying mishmash of name + links of trash, tags, groups, subgroups and docs.

To implement my typinator strategy I would need to modify the script listing of only Groups and SubGroups names and Links.
If possible, subgoups start with a tab under the group name.
I don’t want to include listing of tabs, documents.

I just can’t figure out what to edit in the script.

thank you

+1 for me! On more than a few occasions I’ve pasted an item link into the search field out of muscle memory, to no avail.

I use Hook, and I frequently invoke the Hook interface for copying application-specific URLs and pasting them into the other documents I work on. So it’s not uncommon for me to end up with DEVONthink URLs in my clipboard. To me, the URL just feels like a link to the document, so I unthinkingly paste it anywhere that I want to link to the document.

Not irritated at all.

using typinator in addition to DevonThink

Using Typinator how?

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Yes, I, too, am interested in this because I’m a devoted user of Typinator but didn’t initially understand the section I’ve quoted from @rufus123. However, I think I have understood now. If I’m correct, part of what @rufus123 wants to see when carrying out a DT search is some sort of hlghlighting (maybe in the sidebar) of the groups that contain the displayed search results—as well as that list of results. That, in any event, is roughly what Typinator does when you search for an expansion.

Edit: Sorry to @rufus123 if I’ve got this completely wrong.


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@rufus123 : Is this the case? If so, where would you expect highlighted items to be found - in the Navigate sidebar?

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I have been struggling to capture the Typinator window but have now done so and post the screenshot in case it’s any help to @rufus123 in explaining what he needs:


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@BLUEFROG @Stephen_C
thank you for your comments. Please give me some time to create a complete functional example combining typinator and DevonThink, and limiting myself to a few test DevonThink groups and subgroups.
I will post the complete functional model here.

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At your leisure and convenience :slight_smile:

@Stephen_C @BLUEFROG

I created a typinator set for DevonThink
abbreviation = group (=folder) name
expansion = group (=folder) link
I created 2 test groups in DevonThink called bluefrog and stephen and items in the typinator DevonThink

type global typinator shortcut → type the DevonThink typinator keyword to search only the DevonThink set → type search string → when I press on enter, the expansion (link) corresponding to that group (folder) is typed.
I would like to use that Link in DevonThink search popover for move to, go to, copy to, etc

Aaaah - now I understand what you’re doing: thanks for the detailed explanation!

I haven’t tried using Typinator in effect to expand group names in DT. However, why not simply use abbreviations for the relevant group names rather than trying to use the DT links?

For example, just set xbs to expand to Bank Statements and then type Control + Cmd + G to open the go to popover, type xbs and hit return. I did try that and it works perfectly.

Edit: I have tried that and I think it would fit with your workflow. In other words, simply create a Typinator abbreviation for each relevant DT folder you want. You can then use the Typinator search to find what you need and enter it in DT, where it automatically expands.



This script adds a record’s Reference URL to its aliases.

-- Add Reference URL to aliases	

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theRecords to selected records
		if theRecords = {} then error "Please select some records."
		repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
			set thisRecord_ReferenceURL to reference URL of thisRecord
			set thisRecord_Aliases to aliases of thisRecord
			if thisRecord_Aliases does not contain thisRecord_ReferenceURL then
				set thisRecord_Aliases_list to my tid(thisRecord_Aliases, {", ", "; ", ",", ";"})
				set end of thisRecord_Aliases_list to thisRecord_ReferenceURL
				set thisRecord_Aliases_string to my tid(thisRecord_Aliases_list, ", ")
				set aliases of thisRecord to thisRecord_Aliases_string
			end if
		end repeat
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on tid(theInput, theDelimiter)
	set d to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	if class of theInput = text then
		set theOutput to text items of theInput
	else if class of theInput = list then
		set theOutput to theInput as text
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
	return theOutput
end tid



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Thank you very much @pete31 !!
Sorry: I can’t see the script output. It is not in the clipboard and I was not asked to create a file.

Look at a record‘s aliases.

The script adds selected records’ reference urls to the records’ aliases.

  • Select some records
  • Run script

Paste a record’s reference url in a popover to reveal exactly this record.

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I have to read about aliases in DevonThink. I am in above my head. thank you very much