Hi, I’d like to add a couple of services to the Services menu.
I’d like to have a services similar to the default and ultra useful “Take Plain Note” and “Append Plain Note” but I would like to create markdown files instead (“Take Markdown Note” and “Append Markdown Note”. Is that possible?
Thanks in advance.
Just curious, the only difference between “Plain Note” and “Markdown Note” is .md vs .txt, otherwise they are both plain text. Extensions can be changed.
There’s actually a service called DEVONthink: Create Markdown Document but not all of DEVONthink’s services are enabled by default, see System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services. But maybe the service should be renamed to make this more consistent to the services for plain/rich & formatted notes.
There is always Sorter’s Take Note feature, which offers Markdown as an option. It can be invoked with a shortcut (defined in DEVONthink Settings), and is helpful for gathering a series of clips and notes while browsing.
It’s the main one I use – many times a day! But there’s no “Append” version of the markdown service as far as I know. It read OP like that was an important part.
@gustavoarizpe did you enable it in System Settings? As cgrunenberg said, not all of them are enabled by default. It’s in the “Text” section of System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services