Dear team, I have a bunch of files named as the name of the organisation in a group. How can I create set list in custom meta data field from those files please? Thank you.
If the number of such files is sufficiently large as to render manual input impractical, try this script:
-- Successfully tested with a small group of documents.
-- This script should be run from DT's scripts menu. Make sure that DT has permission to use System Events.
-- Before you run this script, (1) created a new custom metadata set, (2) create a new entry in Values, and (3) make sure your cursor stays in the input field of the entry!
property groupUUID : "19255B78-86CE-4D8D-9094-183FEF6D973D" -- use the UUID of your group hosting all those documents
tell application id "DNtp"
set theGroup to get record with uuid groupUUID
set theDocuments to children of theGroup
if theDocuments is {} then return
set theList to {}
repeat with theItem in theDocuments
set end of theList to (name of theItem)
end repeat
delay 5
my CreateNewMetadataSet(theList)
end tell
on CreateNewMetadataSet(aList)
tell application "System Events"
repeat with a from 1 to length of aList
delay 0.5
set the clipboard to (item a of aList) as text
keystroke "v" using command down
delay 0.5
keystroke return
end repeat
end tell
end CreateNewMetadataSet
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While an admirable attempt, note System Events are fragile and often unreliable.
@dissander: Provide more infomation, including screen captures, when making such requests. Thanks.
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