Custom Markdown (pre-)processor?


I wonder if there is some under-the-hood way to use a custom (pre-)processor for “best alternative”. A hook perhaps, or hidden preference?


Consider using Marked for your Markdown previews (via Open With). Marked can be configured for custom Markdown processors/preprocessors. A Marked window can sit side-by-side with a DEVONthink edit window.

Thanks, @korm. I indeed own a license for Marked 2, which I do use (and plan to enhance with a simple custom preprocessor for rendering non-standard URIs such as x-devonthink-item://... and x-bdsk://... enclosed in angle brackets).

But on my 13in Macbook display, real estate comes at a premium, so a side-by-side layout is not very convenient.

Anyway, not a biggie, I just thought to ask. And while we’re at it, is there a way to lock the “best alternative” button? Sometimes I need to quickly zap through a set of Markdown documents, reading but not editing them. A global on/off state for the Markdown button would be handy.

This command should toggle the alternative display for Markdown, depending on the TRUE/FALSE state of the boolean argument

defaults write com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2 RenderMarkdown -bool TRUE

Wow! How on earth did you know that? Exploring plist files as a hobby? Information on undocumented features from devs? Miraculous intuition? :laughing:

Many thanks.

UPDATE: I am afraid I cannot get the setting to be effective. I ran the command, restarted DTPO, but as before, the “Best alternative” option does not “stick”.

UPDATE: I am afraid I cannot get the setting to be effective. I ran the command, then restarted DTPO, but as before, the “Best alternative” option does not default to Markdown. :frowning:

UPDATE #2: It works! I was erroneously testing with .txt rather than .md files. Apologies for the false alarm, and thanks once again for the help.