Custom Meta Data Rich Text Bug

Thanks for 3.0.2 and all the fixes it brings! Now “add custom meta data” function works as expected.
But one bug still persists…

If you try to delete all CMD with:

set custom meta data of theRecord to {}

it will clear all CMD except Rich Text fields. You will have to manually delete them one by one with:

add custom meta data "" for "RTFfield" to theRecord

Or I do smth wrong

Rich text custom metadata is currently never modified by the “set custom metadata” command to work around the AppleScript issues.

Sorry, didn’t quite get it…
Do you mean that you’ve fixed RTF data loss with a workaround, downside of which is that we now cannot set RTF data with AS “set custom metadata” command?

Exactly. AppleScript strips the RTF data before (!) sending the custom metadata to DEVONthink, therefore DEVONthink doesn’t know whether rich text custom metadata should be really deleted.

Understood, thank you!

I’m just thinking to allow or not RTF fields in CMD…

pros of RTF

  • you can parse links
  • highlight text and use formatting

cons of RTF

  • you will not be able to manipulate text with AppleScript
  • you can’t make a full CMD clone with one command (set CMD), you’ll need to use DT command “add CMD” for each RTF field

Currently inclining to “Multi-line text”…