Custom metadata and smart groups

I’ve been doing a bunch of work that leverages some custom metadata fields and I have been using ‘set’ type and ‘Single-line text’ fields.

  • Is there a way to specify a default value ?
  • Is it possible to create a smart group that selects items if a particular metadata fields has no value selected ?

I have not been able to figure out how to meet either of these objectives.

This is not possible currently but the second possibility is already planned for future releases.

In what context, like when you create a new document?

To be complete from my imagining in this. Yes, if I had decided on a ‘nothing’ value e.g. ‘unknown’, I could have done so - respectively. My use case is converging on unassigned/blank. And to @cgrunenberg’s points. A default is not in the offing but , sooner, querying after an empty value. That’s already quite some power.

There may yet be some craft to be learned under current constraints :+1:

Technically, you could create a simple smart rule or use batch processing to assign a default value to custom metadata, e.g.,…

This would change the custom metadata Status to N/A on any selected item on an ad-hoc basis.