Database maintenance activity still hidden: please add visible ACTIVITY WINDOW and STATUS REPORT

The problem has been solved by emtying Trash, thank you. But i maintain my urgent wish: BETTER control about the Logs and information when sync stops.

And the automatic option was always enabled? Was DEVONthink hidden or running in its own space?

You’re welcome.
Don’t forget the Trash is still a location in a database which is why emptying the Trash had a good effect.

Yes log was on automatic. And everything is in one space on my computer, don’t use spaces.
Thank you

Is it possible that the Log panel was hidden behind other windows?

I don’t know. What i know is that working daily with DT for hours, i am still not informed in time when there is a bad sync problem.

Is it really so much work to include a warning flag on the database title in the sidebar?

Is it really necessary to sync as you seem to have so many problems with it?

Oh yes! It is on two computers and as backup on Dropbox. The sync problems are not as huge as that. The problem is when i don’t know that it doesn’t sync anymore!

ok. best to remember that sync is not a backup.

Since version 3.8.2 a notification is added to macOS’ notification center too in case of a damaged database which can’t be synchronized like in your case (unless disabled in the system preferences).

I did not see any notification although in system prefs it is ok for DT. Changed from “Banners” to persistant notofication, hope this will work next time. Thank you for having made this little step in the right direction :slight_smile:

Problems with syncing should indeed pop out immediately.
It’s the most important status … the “Sync” button could flash in red light to indicate this.

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Exactly. I don’t understand why the developer still ignore all these requests.

Would appreciate if you could confirm they are ignoring you. That’s quite an assertion.

I hope you can agree that on this forum for these products the developers are not ingoring anything. Especially for all your posts.


Yes, i confirm in such cases, the developers seem to be “stuck” in a parallel world. They have THEIR workfllow and understanding of how software should work and are in my opinion far from the “normal” user.

DevonThink is such a great software, but with so many problems in the user interface.
It’s the engin of a Formula 1 with the Dashboard of a Lada Niva :wink:

PS/ Yes, they react often to help, and sometimes the problems are fixed. Take this example:

For years and years we had no Highlight-Pencil in PDF, and an erratic behavior when highlighting in another color parts of the text. All requests in this direction have been answered as “that’s not necessary to change this”, although all other software works like this (especially MAcOS Preview, Adobe Acrobat, and so on).

Now, few month ago, this has been changed, and now the User Interface for Highlighting is fluid for everyone working also with Preview and so on. It is great now! I thank very, very much the developers that they finally accepted to implant a “normal” workflow for highlighting.

But i don’t understand why it was so hard to make understand that yes, there are some “common behaviors” when you work on a PDF, and yes, there was no real reason to say that Preview, Acrobat are wrong.

Here , we are still on the same problem for years now. I regullary miss Database problems. And if i find them and repair, there is still no window popping up (“Repair OK”). Have to wait in front of the computer… it is OK, repaired now or still repair process going on?

By the way i have persistant notifications in MacOS Notification Center now when there are new extras ready to download, but still no notification about database health

The Log toolbar button is alwyas present unless you’ve removed it or narrowed the window. It shows a badge if there’s an issue. This kind of indicator is no different than a light coming on when there’s an engine or tire issue in your Lada Niva. It’s best to take a glance everyone once in awhile.

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I’m in no way saying that you aren’t entitled to your opinion or workflow, or that the devs should not consider your needs; but please don’t assume that there is a single definition of a normal user. I, for one, have no requirement for what you are requesting, and find checking the log quite normal behaviour. I find sync issues are reliably brought to my attention both on DT and DTTG. I have even gone so far as to include the status of certain smart rules and scripts in the log. Again, I’m not making little of your requests; I’m only pointing out that perhaps they are not being ignored, but simply not receiving the priority you personally might want.


The status bar on the bottom of the window is often hidden on a 13" display, even Retina. And a positive database verify is so fast that you have to fix this part of the window without doing anything other. So every time i am wondering: check positif finished?

A normal workflow is like in an airplanes cockpit: check anything, announce with a clear voice when item is checked.

I assume that “normal” is what Apples Preview, Acrobat, and EVERY well performing PDF-Viewer is doing. NOW DT does in the same way. Why not earlier?

As i said earlier:
“But i don’t understand why it was so hard to make understand that yes, there are some “common behaviors” when you work on a PDF, and yes, there was no real reason to say that Preview, Acrobat are wrong.”

I still don’t understand why it was “better” to have no highlight pencil, and to “unhighlight” a whole paragraph when you highlight one word in another color.