Default Video Playback Speed

I am taking a course consisting of more than 50 videos that are indexed in my DEVONthink database, and I have to set the playback speed manually for every video.

Please provide a global video playback speed setting, or make DEVONthink remember whenever I change the video speed and play accordingly for the next videos, just like YouTube.

A future release might support this. Just curious but what kind of speed would you choose in this case - slower or faster? Shortcuts (Cmd-Left/Right) can be also used to increase/decrease the speed.

I always prefer using a faster speed (1.25 or 1.5x)

I was unaware that I could adjust the speed using a keyboard shortcut, so I greatly appreciate this information.

Now that I know about the shortcut, my initial feature request isn’t as crucial for me.

However, considering there may be many users unaware of this capability, it would be beneficial if DEVONthink could remember these settings for their convenience.

P.S.: It would also be great if DEVONthink could remember subtitle settings, such as whether captions are enabled and, if so, in which language. This functionality mirrors the default behavior seen on YouTube.