Delete original document after dragging it in to DTPO

When I drag documents from my desktop to i.e. Dropbox they are moved from the desktop.

Is there a way to automatically delete documents like .pdf or whatever from the desktop after I have dragged them in to my group in DTPO?

Annoying to have a copy on my desktop and sometimes I do not know what docs I already added to my DTPO.

Using the Global Inbox in the Finder’s Sidebar always imports the document, but if you hold down the command key when dragging a document to any group, that will import the document and delete the Finder copy as well.

Aha, I have the most common groups in the sidebar but will delete that now and drag it right in to the app symbol in the dock using the cmd!

Thanks for extremely fast support!

You are welcome, but I’m not with support-just another user like yourself!

It does not matter if you are paid by DT - still support!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: