Devon note saving gibbly goob

I have the Devonthink widget (MAC snow leopard) and when I save it is is a jumbled mess. Any ideas?

What exactly is a “jumbled mess” - the widget or text entered via the widget? Could you post a screenshot? Thanks!

I actually seem to have the same problem.

Some of the notes (perhaps even most of them) which I take using the widget are fine, but then some are just a mess. Something like %20 between every word. Here is an example of what remained of a passage I took from Dostoyevsky:


Please help, I love using the widget but this is frustrating…

Thanks for the bug report. We think we have found the problem and will deploy a new widget with one of the next versions of DEVONthink.

Yes sorry for the late reply. I see you have found the bug. For what its worth. I just got a similar result, which is extremely frustrating. See:


Anyone got any ideas on how I can salvage this mess. It is a list of questions that took me an hour of reading and compilation.
And when is the next version please???

The text has been “URL encoded”, and you want to decode it.

At the bottom of this page is a box where you can paste the encoded text, click “Decode”, and you’ll have the readable, unencoded text.

Please try the attached new version of the DEVONthink Jot widget and test if it works now for you: (533 KB)