I do intensive research in genealogical research/DNA for me and for helping others (adoptees,…).
For 3 years, I am a big fan of DEVONThink pro Office for classifying information and to get to cross matching information.
However, I never was able to get DEVONagent to give my tangible results when searching for remote ancestors - ex: in Russia ou Hungaria. I always have the sense that even if I limit searches with NEAR/2 ou BEFORE/2 or using brackets to sear for a “surname + name”. I always get unrelevant results.
Does anyone has success with DEVONagent for this use ? - or any comments.
I also have problems to add “Sites” to my search group if I must login - the same parameters (ex: passwords) apply to all Sites I enter
Note that DEVONagent doesn’t guarantee “all relevant results”. It depends on what plugin you’re using (ex. Web (Deep) or Bing or…), the sites you’re searching in a search set (and if they’re accessible), the terms you use, etc.
1- Plugins
Well I must admit I am not familiar with the coverage of these plugins…
I tried a few - but I am like a blind person in this world.
Should I search them individually on the web - or do you have a resource to suggest to make a better choice for more concise results ?
2- Sites in Search Sets
In fact, I am mostly interested in genealogical websites (Ancestry.com, MyHeritage.com, 23&me) so I created my own Search Sets with entering these websites.
However it is as if I cannot enter a user name and password for each individual website. The parameters I enter for one applies to all of them.
Am I doing something wrong ? see screens shots.