DevonAgent Pro poor results

Conveyance “contract by deceased”

in google, 929 results"contract+by+deceased"&num=10

in DevonAgent Pro set to plug in Google
results 2

why does the default yield such low results? I installed DevonAgent Pro today. No changes to search were modified. Some one else had a 2007 forum post.

Edit: when I changed to add files: PDF & Postscript documents AND Rich text documents, new search resulted in 3 (within DevonAgent Pro)

DEVONagent Pro is not a Google front end so you shouldn’t expect the same results. That’s not the point of the application. DEVONagent is made to filter the results. If you want to see similar results, i.e., unfiltered, use the Express option.

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Upon changing to “express”, the number of results were:

And what is shown in the Log tab?

Log shown below:

Under Address column: “Conveyance "contract by deceased" - Google Search
Under Error column: “links 12”

And that’s the only entry? Which search set or plug-in did you use?

I restarted my computer, and then I used the standard search using ‘google’ as the drop down choice.

I deleted the other entries that were using the specific law plug-ins that gave similar number of results. (ie 2 or 3).