
I just found this great script from ehouwink at which should make a really nice addition for those who like to keep Devonthink open.
It lets Safari’s windows slide out/ in, similar to the transition effects of keynote.
With my limited knowledge I got it to work with DevonThink Pro(pasted below). It runs great when run out of script editor but sort of slow on my 12" Powerbook when run as a saved application. So I think I’ll make this a feature request: Please include this functionality into DT, maybe even a little more polished, e.g how about a tab which remains visible after sliding away which when clicked makes it appear again.

tell application "DEVONthink Pro" to activate

tell application "System Events"
	set fApp to name of some application process whose frontmost is true
	set appz to name of application processes
end tell

set SlideoutInitially to "DEVONthink Pro" is in appz and "DEVONthink Pro" is not in fApp

set wasBig to false
set wasF to "DEVONthink Pro" is in fApp

tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
	if number of documents < 1 then make new document
	set theDocs to documents
	-- set docName to name of item 1 of theDocs
	-- display dialog docName
	set {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4} to bounds of front window
end tell

set wasBig to (bds3 > 1)

if not wasF then
	if SlideoutInitially then
		tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
			set {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4} to bounds of window docName
			set bounds of window docName to {1 + bds1 - bds3, bds2, 1, bds4}
		end tell
	end if
	my slidein(theDocs)
end if
if not wasBig then
	my slidein(theDocs)
	my slideout(theDocs)
end if

on slideout(theDocs)
	tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
		set speedfact to 3 * (number of items of theDocs)
		repeat with theDoc in theDocs
			set docName to name of theDoc
			set {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4} to bounds of front window
			set visible of front window to true
			set bdSve to {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4}
			set i to 1
			repeat until bds3 < 20
				set i to i + 1
				set bds1 to bds1 - 2 * i * speedfact
				set bds3 to bds3 - 2 * i * speedfact
				set bdz to {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4}
				set bounds of front window to bdz
			end repeat
			set bounds of front window to {1 + bds1 - bds3, bds2, 1, bds4}
		end repeat
	end tell
	tell application "System Events" to set visible of application process "DEVONthink Pro" to false
end slideout

on slidein(theDocs)
	tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
		set speedfact to 2 * (number of items of theDocs)
		repeat with i from number of items in theDocs to 1 by -1
			set docName to name of document i
			set {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4} to bounds of front window
			set visible of front window to true
			set bdSve to {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4}
			set i to 1
				set i to i + 1
				set bds1 to bds1 + 2 * i * speedfact
				set bds3 to bds3 + 2 * i * speedfact
				if bds1 > -10 then exit repeat
				set bdz to {bds1, bds2, bds3, bds4}
				set bounds of front window to bdz
			end repeat
			set bounds of front window to {1, bds2, 1 + bds3 - bds1, bds4}
		end repeat
	end tell
end slidein

You may want to cross post (the suggestion, not the script) in the feature requests forum as well.

The original MOSXH script was horrible for Safari on my G5 for some reason. Neat idea though.