DEVONthink 2.0 update?

I’d be willing to beta test it too!

Heck, if you’re making a list, might as well add my name too …

If you want to become a beta tester, please send an email to info -at- explaining what would qualify you, and we’ll provide you with the proper NDA agreement.

The DT 1.x interface was the only reason I haven’t purchased. The price is not a factor. Since 2.0 is finally on its way, I will definitely NOT purchase until it is released.


The current interface is antiquated. I tried out the demo and found the learning curve much too steep. Why go through that learning if what I learn will shortly become outdated?

I first stumbled upon DT well over a year ago, perhaps longer. I figured the update to 2.0 was just around the corner. I’ve been shocked to see how stagnant development on DT has been. And I’m shocked now to see how blithely user concerns are being addressed. This lack of progress is beginning to concern me more than the interface design.

If you think DTP’s learning curve is too steep, I’d love to hear your opinion of Tinderbox. Or Excel, or Filemaker, or just about any other application with substantial functionality. Of all the applications I’ve used in my life, of all the different methods I’ve tried to use to organize my mind, DEVONthink is honestly about as intuitive, as accessible, and as intelligently-designed as anything I could imagine using.

While you’ve been waiting, I’ve been happily using the program to get work done more effectively. During the last year, the program has paid for itself many times over.

My feeling is that a good solution today is better than a perfect solution tomorrow. DTP is not perfect – and probably won’t be in v2.0 either – but it’s far better than anything else out there.

That’s my approach to most software. If it does what I need now, I’ll buy it. If it doesn’t, I won’t. The software business is too transient to do things any other way.


I’m concerned about the company that makes this product, frankly. They basically went mute for 18 months whilst developing some “secret project” that is for some other (corporate) customer base, leaving their loyal customers out to dry. This means they are either short-staffed or unaware of the need for good customer service. In either case, it makes me wary.

I found the interface clunky and hard to understand. I will spend the time and effort needed to learn complex software, if it’s warranted. And if I think the developer is still going to be around in a year’s time. I guess that last point is really the problem for me. I am waiting to see 2.0 released. Until then, I’m afraid I just don’t have the confidence in this company.

I don’t know what your support expectations are for DEVONtechnologies, Bob, but they seem naive and speculative. And without giving any reasons for disliking DT’s interface it’s not helpful, constructive criticism. You’re welcome to express your opinions and concerns here but, honestly, you might have made a friendlier first impression starting off with less negativity and gloom.

I’ve had above average support and communication with DEVONtechnologies for almost five years. They’ve fixed most bugs I’ve reported and acknowledged others. At times I’ve been discouraged with less responsiveness to suggestions for interface improvements though I’ve remained a satisfied customer.

Negativity? Gloom? No, I’m just trying to run a small business, and I need reliable software, that’s all. This is a business decision. Sorry if I’ve ruffled some feathers. It’s good to see that there are some folks who are passionate about the product. That says a lot. I look forward to giving 2.0 a trial run once it’s out.

Bob, I’ve read and re-read your posts just to make sure I understand where you’re coming from. In one sense, I think what you say makes perfect sense: why invest the time in learning 1.X when 2.0 is on its way. It’s opportunity cost and as a business owner you are wise to think along those lines. That said, I wonder about the opportunity cost of you not using DT. As well, once you learn 1.X, who is to really say the learning curve for learning 2.0 will be that high. The same developers are working on it, so in theory the philosophy of the application will likely be similar.

I won’t urge you to re-consider your decision. You’re a businessman and likely make choices like these every day. I just don’t see how you can come to the conclusion that the software is “unreliable” and that you associate a software company going mute for 18 months as problematic. They haven’t been mute. They’ve released updates, and they regularly participate on this forum. I, too, have made suggestions (ok, well, just one) that might well make its way into 2.0. I usually just lurk here, but from what I see they are hugely responsive. By your logic, you should be upset with Apple for outlining improved stability and performance in Snow Leopard (10.6) to be released next year.

Anyway, I hope you find what you are after in the next version, or perhaps even before then.


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done my share of ragging on DEVONtechnologies. A casual look through my posts will reveal that I’m probably one of the most irritating and constant thorns in their side :slight_smile: I was worried, buying in mid-late 2006, that DTP2 would come out within weeks and I’d be burned for an upgrade. As it turns out, the fear was unjustified :angry:

But DTP is a damned good program. I’ve used it with small databases and with truly massive databases, as have most of the users on here, and I’m still using it – not because I want to get my money’s worth, but because there’s truly no competition. I’ve downloaded and cough registered cough probably every single app for OS X that is even roughly in the same category or could be imagined to fulfill the same purpose, from Yojimbo to EagleFiler to Journler to Papers to Scrivener, and DTP’s the one I’ve stuck with.

DTP is not an opaque program. I think you’ll find, if you sincerely invest some time and effort in it, that it is a well-designed and well-thought-out application. In need of a interface refresh? Probably. In need of new functionality? Definitely. But it’s the 900-pound gorilla of information management on OS X, and I think even the positive reviews (of which there are very, very many) underrate it.

Passionate? Heck yeah. This is the only product forum that I hang out on, the only application I really think makes a serious difference in my life, and the only company that can irritate me to the point where I’d learn how to program just to vex them :smiley:

Stick around until 2.0 is released and wait to you see all the B*tching about what’s still missing. IME, it’s almost always like that when you have a fanatical user base like Devon. The same day DL2 was released, people were complaining and starting threads about what’s needed for DL3.

I see absolutely no need to worry whether or not they’ll be here in a year’s time. Frustrating as they are, things like this happen all the time in software development.

I am VERY anxious to see what DT2 brings. In fact, I was in the process of leaving the Mac platform for linux but ultimately decided against it because of Devon.

Anyhow, hopefully v2.x will make things easier for your business and hopefully it will make it’s debut soon enough as well.

If it’s not too late to consider another feature request, I’d like DTP 2.0 to make my breakfast for me: two eggs lightly scrambled, a dash of salt, one slice of whole-wheat toast with cream cheese. And please make it have my coffee (milk, no sugar) ready for me no later than 6:45 AM… Much obliged!

Regular or low-fat cream cheese?

Low-fat, now that you mention it, to minimize the CPU load…

Stop thinking with your stomach, glutton!

I’d like DT 2.0 to write my essays for me and babysit my kids.

I wasn’t going to say anything but, since we’re a small, closed community, just thinking about DT2 has already regrown all of my hair.

Take that desktop cray!

… and this will be the new user interface for the dishwashing-part :smiley:

(besides, the picture is a nice allegory for the streams of text vanishing in my database…)

OMG…that is SO cool. I would LOVE to have that!!!

@Bob Nolin – I didn’t quote anything because there were just too many passages…but folks who have made it this far know what they are anyway. I just jumped in and started using DTP and DA. I’m much too impatient to deal with manuals and the like. There are a few very good screencasts that will get you going if you need the jump-start. This bundle has been an absolutely amazing asset for me, and to everyone else to whom I’ve introduced it, for both business and personal use. You should give it a chance and try it out, although something tells me you won’t do that. If you are intimidated by it :wink: start with DEVONnote and work your way up. There are plenty of good folks around in the forums to help you if you get stuck, and the support staff are outstanding as well.


How about a teaser screenshot ?!