DEVONthink 3.8 - Sorter Navigation hotkeys - This was supposed to be done in this release

Sorter Navigation

This was suppose to be done in this release. It does not seem to be working the way I thought. Was it done?

It is working in the build I am using, CMD+Enter opens DT at that folder.

This is my Sorter Navigation Pane.

When I click on the open with the mouse it works properly

When click command enter it does not open it the Safeway the navigation pane is not correct.

Was this overlooked, awaiting a response.


  • Command-Enter set the parent of the selected group in the Sorter as the Navigate sidebar’s selection, i.e., the current location.
  • Double-clicking the grou pin the Sorter selects the group itself as the current location in the Navigate sidebar.

@hertzs : Please be patient. As can be expected, things are pretty busy in here with such a big update. Thanks.

There was a bug in the change, this has been fixed and will be included in the next update


Hello hertzs. I realize this is off topic, but I’m wondering how you managed to change the font in the sidebar and list view? As far as I’m aware it’s not possible in the preferences, and I can’t find any clue searching the forum. Is it a system-wide preference or something? (I’m still on Catalina if that matters.)

It’s not that big a deal, but I love monospaced fonts, and your setup looks so pleasing!
(I would also like to know the font – I feel like I know it, but I can’t fully recognise it.)

Actually I don’t remember how I did it, but, like you I enjoy monospaced fonts.

I think it is IAWriter Duospace Regular.

Too bad, but thank’s for the reply! I was hoping I could type some magic spell into the Terminal or something, since your screenshot shows that it’s somehow possible.

Ah, that’s what I was thinking—guess I’m not used to seeing it at such small sizes, the letters seemed too light.

See help Documentation > Appendix > Hidden preferences

MonospacedSidebarFont: Use a monospaced system font in the sidebars of main windows.


MonospacedViewFont: Use a monospaced system font in the item list of main windows.

Thanks a lot, Pete! I don’t think I would have ever found those hidden preferences otherwise.

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How does one go about setting the font?

I’m not seeing anything in the preferences to do so once I set:
defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 MonospacedSidebarFont -bool TRUE

In DEVONthink, select Help > DEVONthink 3 Help > Documentation > Appendix > Hidden Preferences.

Right – that’s what I 'm referencing. Is the path to the font added as a parameter ?
(it’s not specified in the docs)

For example:
defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 MonospacedSidebarFont -string 'path/to/font'

No. You can’t specify your own font.
The preferences is a boolean yes or no.