Devonthink and Bookends (and possibly Mellel)

You are welcome.

I have three questions: 1) Do you use markdown or rtf for you notes? It seems you are using markdown, but I want to be sure; 2) Do you use the wiki link available in DT? It seems you prefer to use cross-links between your notes; 3) Do you see any advantage to add the creation date in the title of your notes? Do not you think this information can be part of the note but not part of the title?

Re: 1) Markdown all the way for my own notes. :slight_smile: (see interesting debate here)

Re: 2) Yes. I find wiki links faster than the item links (also they are automatic to read). I prefer the Square Brackets [[…]] syntax to the Name and Alias since I seem to have more control on their usage. I even customised the automatic template. (Note: in a future I hope never happens, if DT stops to exist the usage of Square Brackets is quite common in markdown applications, so, hopefully, I can maintain my connections between notes).

Re: 3) Yes. Because of that “code” I very easily spot my own notes on any search, list, or when I’m setting the wiki links.

I sometimes use easier alias names for those links; for instance CN202006071755 On the usage of DT3 as Zettelkasten, may have an alias name of DT3 as Zettelkasten and the wiki link could either be [[CN202006071755 On the usage of DT3 as Zettelkasten]] or [[DT3 as Zettelkasten]]). [Note: there’s a great set of posts about wiki links and aliases in here.)

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