DevonThink as Hidden Login Item

Hey, y’all, I’m back to using DevonThink after playing with Yojimbo for a few weeks. (You knew I couldn’t stay away.) One thing I got used to with Yojimbo was the ability to have it in my Login Items list, but to start it hidden so it didn’t take focus away from the Finder on login. I’ve tried this with DTPro, but it doesn’t seem to work. DTPro always wants to give the focus to its main window, even if I check the hide box in login items. Even if I set DTPro to start with no open window (under prefs), DTPro still takes the focus away from the Finder (in the menu bar) while adding the extra hassle of not opening my default database. Any suggestions here? Or is this something that will have to wait for a future release? Thanks.

This does not yet work but v1.1 (coming in the first half of March) will support this.