DEVONthink: clip PDF to DEVONthink returns gibberish

When I open Starke Erdbeben in Afghanistan erschüttern Grenzregion nahe Iran in Safari’s reader mode and send it with “clip to DEVONthink” as PDF (clutter-free or not) the resulting document in DEVONthink looks like this:

Using “print → send to DEVONthink 3” at least creates a readable document (but with other errors as I posted in BUG: Missing values when sending web pages from Safari to DEVONthink - DEVONthink / Feedback - DEVONtechnologies Community)

Same issue when clipping a clutter-free PDF in Ventura 13.6.
Note: clipping in Reader mode has never worked in my experience. Only printing to PDF.

And printing to PDF from Safari has long not captured the originating URL.

And printing to PDF from Safari has long not captured the originating URL.

that’s not correct. It always filled the URL field correctly. According to the documents in my databases it worked fine until at least Sept. 22.

Must be a DEVONthink thing :slight_smile:


And the next release will support this on Sonoma again.

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