Devonthink database migration to a new Mac


It seems like I successfully managed to use Apple Migration to transfer my Databases to a new Mac.

How do I know for sure it’s all working well and everything is in its right location?

Also, do I need Dropbox or not?


If you want to sync several devices with Dropbox, you need it. If not, you don’t need it.

Whether and what sync service is needed/useful/reliable has been discussed so many times here, there’s nothing to add to that. Please use the search function.

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Welcome @Rinat
Migration Assistant should keep things where they were but read this…

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Only if you need to use a remote sync method

Devonthink provides a direct device<>device sync service, using Bonjour
No remote service (like Dropbox) required
however devices must be on the same network, and the Devonthink app active

As others say, only if you have a purpose as suggested by @chrillek The only purpose for sync would be to keep 2 or more devices in sync. Sync is not a backup. And if you must have sync for your purpose, you only need Dropbox if you need a third-part internet sync service. Bonjour works well (as @DTLow).