Devonthink Placeholder scan text

Hey I have a question regarding creating a smart rule that is using a placeholder und scan text.
If I understand correctly with the scan text then typing in a string in my case the word “Abrechnung” and then the * Wildcard the text after the string will be copied to the string which I can use later.
BUT how can I tell devonthink how much words are being saved into the string? If I do it like in the screenshot the rest of the document after the string is being copied to the placeholder.

You can’t define the number of words. If this word occurs on a separate line, i.e., not in a paragraph, press Option-Return after the wildcard.

* means “everything”, so this result is not surprising. You might want to try a regular expression (select “Regular Expression” instead of “String” in the “Scan text” action). Something like this

Abrechnung ((?:\w+\s+){2}\w+)

for three words following “Abrechnung”. Explanation:

  • Two occurences {2} of a non capturing group (?:…) containing at least one word character \w+ followed by at least one space \s+.
  • followed at least one word character \w+
  • And the whole included in a capturing group (...)

In your replacement string “Change name” use \1 for these three words.

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