DEVONThink Pro 2.5.1 - SCANNING does not work properly


I am a new user of Devonthink Pro and would like to use the scan feature properly.

I do have two major problems:

  • 1st problem, I can scan a single page w/o OCR (PDF) and everything is fine.
    OCR on, I got a message “scan under progress, and please wait until the process has finalized” (translation from german)

  • 2nd problem, I scan multiple pages w/o OCR (PDF) and same message as with the 1st problem come up. With OCR switched on same problem as with issue 1.

Both problems nothing happens at all. I do use a MacBook Pro 13"/i7/ OS 10.8.3 and a HP C4680 Scanner.

Has someone an idea how to fix it ?



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