DevonThink Pro Office - Will not load


DevonThinkPro for some reason would not open one of my databses and then asked for the license to be inputted.

After loading the license, I cannot load any databases and I can only see DevonThink in the menu bar.

How can I get DevonthinkPro Office open a Database? I went to the menu bar to open one but nothing happened.

Also, all that happens when I click on the DevonThink icon is the “Registratioin DEVONthink Pro Office” dialoque box pops up.

The best,

Please start a Support Ticket.


I restarted my computer and this fixed the problem, however, now my database is corrupt and will not open. Fortunately, I did an Archive backup.

I unzipped the archive backup but I don’t see the database amongst the unzipped files.

The best,

You shouldn’t see “unzipped files”. You should see either a .dtBase2 file or a folder with the database’s name. If it’s the folder, add .dtBase2 to the end of the folder name.

PS: How are you determining the database is “corrupt”?


It define a database file to be correupt when it will not open in DEVONthink. It is kind of greyed out and it will not open when double-click. It gives only a beeping sound.

I worked fine yesterday morning but yesterday afternoon, it would not open.


The database is greyed out in DEVONthink’s sidebar favorites? Then the database isn’t available, e.g. because it has been renamed or moved or deleted.