Devonthink tags & Scrivener sync


I’ve been increasingly using DTP’s tags (or rather, an excellent script for creating key annotations per tag) that came from one of these forums! I’m also increasingly using Scrivner to write my projects. I’ve typically imported documents (e.g., text files and research documents) from DTP to Scrivner, as needed. Sometimes, I’ll merge the text tag files, and then port them over from DTP to Scrivner.

But as continue to annotated PDFs, and then tag those annotations DTP (using the aforementioned script), I find that it’s hard to keep keep track of newly created tags - and ensure that I’m merging new tagged files, and keeping track of everything while I port over new files from DTP to Scrivner.

Is there a better / easre ier way to do this? Is there a way to sync tag folder contents between DTP and Scivner (e.g., via Dropbox)? Or is there any other suggested solution?

Thank you for your help.

As part of this query, I’m wondering if it might be possible to somehow sync Tag folders - or even Tag subfolders. I understand DTP has it’s own unique file management, so this might now be possible, but…it doesn’t her to ask.

Thanks again.

In my experience DT and Scrivener just don’t work well together with the kind of dynamic workflow you suggest. Scrivener has no applescript support and while its possible to hack the Scrivener xml file to do the kind of things you want to, I don’t recommend it.

I better approach I would suggest is to keep your research out of Scrivener and leave it in DT. Use Scrivener purely as a writing tool. Its tools for storing and searching research are rather primitive in comparison to DT, although DT could learn a thing from its superb outline view, the way it handles tags and Metadata.

Its for this reason that I do a lot of the actually writing process and referencing process in OmniOutliner.


Thanks so much for your reply, @Frederiko !

By the way, in case it wasn’t obvious, the “excellent script for creating key annotations per tag” I was rearing to was yours (in case that wasn’t obvious).

Well, I’m disappointed to hear that DTP and Scrivener don’t work well together with the kind of dynamic workflow I’m seeking. I hear you, though, and so I won’t attempt any further – I’d rather have a clunky workflow than one rife with errors. I understand what you mean about keeping things separate, although it’s easier for me to port over some of the research into Scrivener’s research binder, so that I can utilize that text while I’m writing. That’s why I was seeking a solution for the dynamic workflow - esp. since the research will keep growing, and so I’ll likely have to update those files as I port them over to Scrivner. Make sense?

I’d love to learn more about how you use OmniOutliner for your writing and referencing process… Have you ever used Tinderbox? It seems like an ever stronger tool for that process, although maybe you have a different approach that would make it better to use OmniOutliner. Thank you again for your feedback. As always, I’m very grateful.