Devonthink to Go not showing markup files

I recently bought a new airpad air 5 and transferred my DTTG 3 to the ipad. It is clean with 256G used 20G. As I try to capture files (export to DT as markdown, PDF, etc), they move to the database, but when I try to read them, it does not show. However, if i copy the website (in IPAD) full screen, I can send the pic to the database, but does not have the metadata. The files are there but do not show… is there a setting that I need to activate?

but when I try to read them, it does not show.

Please include screen captures of what you’re describing. We can’t see your screen from over here :wink:

These are temporary files created from your clippings that couldn’t be converted. We are aware of this issue and the next update (due soon) should fix it.