My DevonThink 3, does not start. When I start my computer, appears a point under de Devonthinks icon but its does not show the interface. I’ve restarted my computer and also turned it off and on again, but the situation persists.
Control-click the DEVONthink dock icon and choose what you want.
Thank you very much meowky. The “new window” button in the menu bar appears in “Black”, so that it is unusable. Maybe anything else to do?
Mewoky, thank you very much for your help. After clicking in the dock icon and pressing te “new Windw” Button, all was very well. Thank you very much again !!!
You’re welcome. I was a bit surprised as well when the same happened to me for the first time
If this recurs, you should hold the Option key in DEVONthink and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket.
Jim, I think this is related to an old macOS bug since eons, that does not open a window in a multi-window app if the app was closed with some specific issues (normally after a crash or a forced close). I have so and then with DT, but have as well with other apps.
If the application has terminated abnormally – crash or force quit – a main window may not appear and those database may not reopen, by default. This avoids the infinite loop scenario where a database that crashed DEVONthink, recrashes it upon launching.
Ah, then I mistook the issue.
Thank you Bluefrog. From now on I’ll take care in closing properly the app for avoiding the issue.
You’re welcome. If you are experiencing crashes, please start a support ticket.