Difficult to read links in Dark mode

Surely this:

Couldn’t resist. :laughing:


I’m sorry I can’t see anything now! It’s all gone dark! :open_mouth:

Just type
defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes

In terminal


This has been very frustrating for me, too. When the system (Mojave) is in dark mode, There are also many emails that are unreadable. I can read them in Mail, but it looks l ike they are missing almost all text when they are imported to DT 3. I wonder if there could be a way to ‘tweak’ the way DT 3 displays such documents so they are legible in dark mode, as they are in Mail?

Do you use the default or alternate email view (see Preferences > Email)? Could you please forward some zipped example files to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com? Thanks.