Directly adding files to WebDav/FTP .dtCloud sync store

It is possible to remotely wake a Mac via network access.

I would imagine you could come up with a Shortcut or Scriptables code to automate this as part of the same Shortcut which adds something to Dropbox.

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This is a bit offtopic but wanted to ask here anyway

So I started looking into overlay networks like to have a connection back to my home network as an interim solution

Works great for WebDAV, but sadly devonthink to devonthink over bonjour isn’t supported because tailscale can’t do mDNS (apprently ZeroTier can, but not on iOS).

Wanted to lodge a feature request to make it possible to directly add local network nodes, outside of bonjour advertising. The local network option already allows specifying a port that’s getting advertised through bonjour, but no option to add the connection directly (macmini:<devonthink sync port>) without bonjour

DT to DT p2p sync ontop of a overlay network sounds amazing in theory, could get rid of problems with syncing at public wifi networks that don’t have mDNS enabled (or just syncing over 4g)

Some routers allow you to use them as a VPN gateway. Which might make bonjour possible, since then both devices (iOS and MacOS) are in the same network. Which might not only be a cheaper but also a simpler solution than going through a third party. Not to mention security questions.

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