Disk space fluctuating since DT3.0 upgrade - iCloud Drive issue?

Yes, I did. Will re-set iOS installations.

On another note, I deleted a database before removing it as a favourite. It still appears, greyed out, in the favourites list and can’t be removed.

Did you delete it in the Finder or in DEVONthink? In the second case it should have been removed from the favorites.

Yes, it was deleted via the app. It’s still there, greyed out, in favourites across both my Macs.

Did you change the name/path of the database since adding it to the favorites? But the next beta should fix this glitch.

No, it’s been in the same directory for nearly a decade. I’ll await the next beta.

appreciate this thread. My DT3 database was fine until suddenly I kept running out of HD space. Making the above adjustments now.

Having this problem! Out of nowhere too…sudden onset lol

I wonder what files are taking so much data.
I deleted DevonThink3 once and it gave me back 10GB there are more hidden files somewhere that is taking so much data.

I guess with an awesome app comes some downside to it :wink:

I wonder what files are taking so much data.

Why aren’t you looking in the directory itself?

I could do that…