Does DTG copy files from DPO?

I have several databases in DEVONthink Pro Office. Most have many folders and files. Almost all of which are indexed rather than imported.

If I were to install DEVONthink To Go and sync it with my DEVONthink Pro Office databases, would it copy files to my iPhone/iPad? What if the folders and files in DEVONthink Pro Office were imported?

Regardless if you import or index files, they will be copied to the mobile device.

There is an option to download only metadata and download contents on demand, but it still copies data to the device.

Is everything in DEVONthink Pro Office synced to the mobile, device, i.e., all databases, groups, files? Can I control what is synced?

If a synced indexed file is opened on a mobile device, is a copy saved to the mobile device when the file is closed?

Databases? No. That would be very bad form if the app decided to sync all your databases without intervention.

Items in a database? Yes. All of it. There is no partial syncing of a database now.

There are no “indexed files” on the mobile device. You always have a local copy of the database (and its files) in DTTG.

That would fill up my iPhone or iPad pretty fast. And with the databases I have–large numbers of folders and files–I have it’s hardly what I’d want.

I believe all the iOS text editors I’ve used load files from the cloud when needed, off-load them when they are closed.

For one, you don’t have to sync all your databases to your mobile device.
Two, I mentioned this previously: There is an option to download only metadata and download contents on demand, but it still copies data to the device.

DTTG shouldn’t be compared to an “iOS text editor”. It is and does far more than that. The scope of functionality, as well as the underlying technologies, are not the same.

This sounds to me, novice that I am, like downloading just what’s saved when a folder is indexed in DTPO. Whether it is or not, does it allow opening of files on the mobile device? And if so, when the file is closed is a copy saved to the mobile device.

Of course. I understand. But it does suggest there’s an alternative to either files downloaded to the mobile device or not downloaded, i.e., files maintained in the cloud. (Not sure I want that either. But…)

That is the essence of the shallow sync I spoke of.

You can only interact with the file if you download it to the device.
The contents can be purged, if needed. This can be done automatically (leaving a minimum of the 100 most recently used files) or manually.