Does Info panel have to be always on top? (DTP 1.1)

I prefer keeping Info panel open, just in case I feel like adding something in the comment field. I can understand that Groups panel is always on top, floating over other windows to better act as a dropbox, but does Info panel have to be always on top, too? Info panel needs to be closed each time I open ‘classify’ or ‘see also’ drawers from documents, because these drawers go under info panel. Or, am I missing something?

The Groups panel can be minimized to the Dock when not needed. (Click the yellow button, top left.)

So can the Info panel – or you can customize the ToolBar to add the Info icon, so that you can close the Info panel and conveniently open it from a document when needed.

See also, Christian’s tip on adding the Comment column to the right of the Names column. In any view, go to View > Columns and select the Comment option. You can adjust the relative panel widths. Remember that the See Also and Classify buttons will automatically adjust the window size while they are being used.

Yeah, I already have the Show Info icon on the ToolBar for my convenience. Funny thing is Group panel has a minimize control, Info panel not. I’m using DTP 1.1 on osx 10.4.5 ppc. I can still click the Show Info icon on the Toolbar, so it doesn’t make a big difference whether the Info pane can be minimized or not. I wish the Show Info button were on/off switch.

I’m aware of Christian’s suggestion, but I like my vertical view with icon size to minimum and just wanted to have Info panel alongside of it. My wish would have come true, had Info pane not been always on top. My “why…” song is what is the reason of Info panel being “always on top”? Group panel IS always on top because we need to drop something on it, but why Info panel? Oh, I’m being persistent, aren’t I?

That’s a bug and will be fixed in v1.1.1.

Thanks for the confirmation. I’ll look forward to v1.1.1.