In DT3 beta2, the premise of the new Download Bibliographic Metadata is awesome - I’ve been trying to think of a way to grab that stuff from Zotero, but doing it directly is a great idea.
I have two issues. First, the dependability of the current way of grabbing the DOI seems to depend on the discipline. It works wonderfully on the few medical articles I have, but barely works on any of the psych articles I have. Are there other methods of grabbing them that might work with more disciplines?
Second, the way it currently sets the citation item is not universal. I’m trying to change the script to set the citation metadata to “Author et al. (year)”, but it doesn’t seem to be taking. The change I made was to edit the script from
this:add custom meta data (citation & " " & pubyear) for “citation” to theRecord
to this:add custom meta data (citation & " (" & pubyear & “)”) for “citation” to theRecord
but it doesn’t seem to take.
I’ve also removed the line about setting the title, since I set that myself on import, and that change worked fine.
(Incidentally, is this implementation dependent on purchasing DT3Pro with custom metadata? It’s a nice bonus feature, but is not going to be worth $100 to me.)
I was thinking it would be interesting if it could get the metadata from the attached reference in Bookends. Or perhaps look it up online using the ISBN nr - since most books don’t have a DOI.
The following script will collect the metadata from Bookends and do the following:
Populate the PDF title and author metadata fields (need to have exiftool installed)
Populate three custom metadata fields (abstract, citation and reference) from Bookends which corresponds to the abstract, Bookends citation and a formatted reference (these latter two will need to be changed in the script to reflect your own personal needs).
Create a link between Bookends and DEVONthink Pro
An important proviso is that the record in DEVONthink is selected as well as the corresponding reference in Bookends
-- Script to link DEVONthink file and Bookends reference along with custom metadata
-- Kyle Eggleton April 2019
tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
-- Get selected publication
set theRefs to selected publication items
set theRefsNo to count of theRefs
set theRef to first item of theRefs
-- Error messages
if theRefsNo is greater than 1 then error "Select only one item"
if theRefs is {} then error "Nothing selected in Bookends"
-- Get properties of selected reference
set theID to id of theRef
set theCitation to user1 of theRef -- user1 is the Bookends field where BibTex citation is stored
set theAbstract to abstract of theRef
set theAbstract to abstract of theRef
set theAuthor to authors of theRef
set theTitle to title of theRef
set theAttachments to attachments of theRef
set theJournal to journal of theRef
set theFormattedReference to format theRef using "APA 6th Edition Markdown.fmt" --change to reflect the formatted reference required
-- Only set metadata fields for PDF if there is an attachment
if theAttachments is equal to "" then error "There is no file attached to the Bookends reference"
if theAttachments is not equal to "" then
set theFile to the first attachment item of theRef
set thePath to the path of theFile
if theFile is "" then error "The file is missing from the Bookends reference"
-- Set the metadata fields for PDF. Need to install exiftool
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/exiftool -title=" & quoted form of theTitle & " -author=" & quoted form of theAuthor & " -subject=" & quoted form of theJournal & " -overwrite_original " & quoted form of thePath
end if
end tell
end tell
-- Set URL to Bookends and custom metadata in DevonThink
tell application id "DNtp"
set theURL to ""
set theRecord to the content record of think window 1
if theRecord is {} then error "Nothing selected in DEVONThink Pro"
set the URL of theRecord to ("bookends://" & theID) as text
add custom meta data theAbstract for "abstract" to theRecord
add custom meta data theCitation for "citation" to theRecord
add custom meta data theFormattedReference for "reference" to theRecord
set theURL to reference URL of theRecord
end try
end tell
-- Set URL to DEVONThink in Bookends
tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
set user4 of publication item id theID to theURL
end tell
end tell
I do not see any metadata downloaded for articles from or other mathematics websites. Could you please give an example of a link where the script works fine ? Just to try and check that I understand correctly how to use the script.
add custom meta data theAbstract for "abstract" to theRecord
add custom meta data theCitation for "citation" to theRecord
add custom meta data theFormattedReference for "reference" to theRecord
As noted here, it’s adding custom meta data, which is displayed in Tools > Inspectors > Custom in the Pro and Server editions. These attributes are also shown and defined in Preferences > Data.
Thanks for sharing your script! Unfortunately I could not get it to work properly over here.
For some reason it is taking data from another reference in Bookends, other than the one I have selected, and throwing it at the selected reference in DT3. I will dig around to see if I can find the cause of this.
There are some assumptions with the script that I didn’t clarify. The first is that DEVONthink is indexing the Bookends folder where attachments are stored. The second is that there is only one attachment in the selected Bookends reference.
Having used several bibliography database programs, I kept returning to one I’ve used for decades now (Endnote). So I use it in conjunction with DevonThink for searching, with DevonThink doing its great job of indexing. The smart group feature allows me to grab all types of attachments from my bibliography database. I’m not aware of an Endnote script that could work for the variety of reference types I use, but I could easily be missing something.
Not sure if it’s useful but here’s a script similar to File > Import > References from Bookends. Contrary to the internal command the script imports only the selection and adds also custom metadata. And as it’s a script it can be customized of course.
-- Import selected Bookends references as rich text including tags & custom metadata
tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
set theRefs to selected publication items
repeat with theRef in theRefs
set theID to id of theRef
set theDOI to doi of theRef
set thePMID to pmid of theRef
set theISBN to isbn of theRef
set theURL to url of theRef
set theLanguage to language of theRef
set theDate to publication date string of theRef
set theCreationDate to date added of theRef
set theModificationDate to date modified of theRef
-- set theType to type of theRef
set theTitle to title of theRef
set theNotes to notes of theRef
set theKeywords to keywords of theRef
set {od, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ASCII character 10}
set theTags to text items of theKeywords
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to od
set theAuthors to authors of theRef
set theEditors to editors of theRef
set thePublisher to publisher of theRef
set theJournal to journal of theRef
set theVolume to volume of theRef
set thePages to pages of theRef
set theRating to rating of theRef
set theCitation to user1 of theRef -- user1 is the Bookends field where BibTex citation is stored
set theAbstract to abstract of theRef
set theContent to format theRef using "Summary.fmt" as RTF
set theFormattedReference to format theRef using "APA 6th Edition Markdown.fmt"
(* repeat with theAttachment in attachments of theRef
set theFile to the first attachment item of theRef
set thePath to the path of theFile
if thePath is not "" then
end if
end repeat *)
tell application id "DNtp"
set theRecord to create record with {name:theTitle, type:rtf, content:theContent, rating:theRating, comment:theNotes, tags:theTags, creation date:theCreationDate, modification date:theModificationDate} in current group
set URL of theRecord to ("bookends://" & theID) as text
add custom meta data theDOI for "doi" to theRecord
add custom meta data thePMID for "pmid" to theRecord
add custom meta data theISBN for "is?n" to theRecord
add custom meta data theURL for "link" to theRecord
add custom meta data theLanguage for "language" to theRecord
add custom meta data theDate for "date" to theRecord
-- add custom meta data theType for "type" to theRecord
add custom meta data theAuthors for "authors" to theRecord
add custom meta data theEditors for "editors" to theRecord
add custom meta data thePublisher for "publisher" to theRecord
add custom meta data theVolume for "volume" to theRecord
add custom meta data theJournal for "journal" to theRecord
add custom meta data thePages for "page" to theRecord
add custom meta data theAbstract for "abstract" to theRecord
add custom meta data theCitation for "citation" to theRecord
add custom meta data theFormattedReference for "reference" to theRecord
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
Phil Harvey’s exiftool has been around and in development for a long time.
Do note: if you’re creating scripts to share here or elsewhere, you should disclose any such dependencies… or better yet, avoid them and write native methods to do the same thing whenever possible.